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Cookie Classifications – Built by Humans
Updates May 2023

PAGE Inspector: New Cookie Classifications Added

Update summary:

  • A major update of cookie classifications (incl. descriptions and vendor privacy statements).
  • Edit these and export into your own compliance documents.
  • Remember – you can even audit your competitors…! 

During May we added over 200 new cookie classifications to our PAGE Inspector product. Our target is to achieve 90% auto classification of all vendor cookies found.

What we are doing with cookie definitions

We are building our own cookie definition database manually. That is, for discovered/audited cookies, I personally do the leg work of tracking down the vendor, identifying official documentation, reviewing it for their descriptions and purpose (some vendors are opaque with this), and finally classifying the cookie as either: Necessary; Preferences; Marketing; Statistics; Unclassified*. 

Why quality is important

Discovering and classifying cookies is an important first piece of the compliance puzzle – and it’s a GDPR requirement. However, all classifications need to be audited regularly. A PAGE Inspector audit verifies that cookies found match a user’s consent setting – a unique feature of our tool. So if a user consents to only allowing cookies for “statistical purposes”, an audit with that setting should only match cookies categorised as statistics. If not, you have a compliance failure.

Hence the cookie database needs to be of the highest quality i.e. not bot generated.

*50% Beta Pricing*

You can get started with the PAGE Inspector for free. And while in beta (pixel compliance coming 2023), you get the paid version at 50%+ off guaranteed for 12 months. When out of beta, our normal pricing will apply to new subscribers.

Next Steps

Building a high quality cookie definition database takes time, but we aim to reach our goal by the end of this summer. That will allow us to build features that automate more of the compliance checks for you. For example, applying the same logic to network/pixel requests. Join us now and benefit from a 50% discount for 12 months!

Read more about our features.

*These categories are directly equivalent to Required; Functional; Targeting & Advertising; Performance. As a user, you can also edit my descriptions and category settings, or define your own.


As always, please provide your feedback so we make our tools better for you. Please either add your thoughts in the comments, or email me direct at hello ‘@’

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