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Google Analytics Audit Tool

Quickly assess and monitor the health and structure of your Google Analytics data. Our Google Analytics audit tool is used by agencies and professionals world-wide to keep on top of web/app data. Preventing small problems becoming big issues, its a huge time saver for data managers.


How the audit tool works

Automated checks drill-down through Google Analytics reports using decision tree logic to identify problem areas for both Universal Analytics and GA4 – flagging items that work, do not work, or just look odd. All audited in in real-time, with historical data saved up to 12 months. Then enable the monitor to schedule regular checks and alert you if necessary.

Watch the video overview and follow our development with our Release Notes.

Find Issues Quickly

Spot inconsistent or missing data, before it becomes serious.

Universal and GA4 Checks

Audit with drill-down “decision tree” logic that identifies problem areas.

Report API

The API allows you to integrate all audit data within your own reports & tools.

Advanced PII Checks

Google AI integration to route out collected personal information. PII Reference Guide.


Schedule audits for peace of mind for all your web properties and get alerted if things change.

Free Up Staff

Because we automate, your staff do less “engine room” work.


Keep on top of your Google Analytics data before small problems become big issues.

Universal & GA4 Audits

Specific checks for data pollution and misconfiguration. Avoid flagging “noise” with custom thresholds. Re-audit in real time.

Personal Information Checks

We integrate Google AI technology for PII audits to verify none is saved in your Google Analytics account. Advanced checks cover 39 countries.

Data Quality Checks

Checks for invalid and incomplete setup, including: poor utm_parameter setup, mixed case URLs, page cardinality, incorrect Google Ads linking, suspicious and missing e-commerce data, duplicate transactions, goal setup, spam referrers and lots more…

Formalised Access Checks

An approval verification process to ensure ex-staff, ex-agencies etc. do not have access to sensitive GA data, or inappropriate rights.

Audits Over Time

Historical reports saved for 12 months.

Monitor & Alert

Schedule all of the above for peace of mind and be alerted by email if something changes.

Unlimited Users

Add your colleagues to your account. If you are an agency, consider the data ownership options.

API access

Embed results into your own reports/system.

An account is owned by your organisation (not per individual) and includes a FREE project. Read more about free v paid features.

Regain Trust in Your Google Analytics

GA audits for Personal data; Duplicate data; Missing data; Inaccurate data; Incorrect data.