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New Audit Monitor & Alert Feature
Updates May 2024

New audit features launched this month:

  • New Monitor feature – Schedule audits and get alerted if something changes.
  • Other Audit Improvements – Small changes that add up to a much better user experience.

New Monitor Feature

This was our most common feature request this year and is now released: Receive an email when an audit has completed, or if a check has changed.

Why this is important

Audits can already be scheduled and a daily monitor option was added in February. However, that still required to you to log in to check the results – which can be a little tiresome if there has been no change since the last audit. For peace of mind, this update removes the requirement to log in. You can now get on with other tasks and get alerted via email when the audit has completed – or only if a check has changed: 

audit monitor

Other Audit Improvements

Small changes can add up to a much better user experience:

  • Colour coded charts – The Compliance Overview section now has colour coded cookie charts. Any category of cookies that is present that should not be, is coloured red. 
  • Auditor username – Reports now show the person who ran the audit in the audit log (also available within the API) – for both the PAGE and DATA Inspectors.
  • Cookie updates – We maintain our own cookie db for the simple reason that most resources in this area do a very poor job and are rarely updated. You can also custom edit the cookie descriptions and categories – applied to all projects.
  • Improved tracker definitions – as an official Ghostery Data Partner, we continually help update the official tracker definitions. This month we worked on improving the classification of Hubspot, plus Google Recaptcha and other anti-fraud tool pixels.

Have a question? Email Brian direct at hello ‘@’

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