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New Risk Score, Project Summary & Audit History
Updates September 2024

New audit features launched this month:

  • New Risk Score – a top-level summary metric to focus and guide improvements.
  • Improved Project Summaries – improved UI with separate PAGE and DATA Inspector summaries and audit history.
  • UA Project Sunset – deletion of legacy DATA Inspector projects for Universal Analytics.

As always, we aim to launch new features for all users, even for free accounts. 

1. New Risk Score

We have introduced an easy to understand overview metric to summarise risk – be it data quality or privacy compliance. The bigger the number, the more problems/risk there are. 

Understanding risk is always in the details. However, we wanted a way to summarise the scale of the problem and show if things are going in the right direction. Our “thermometer” chart provides the visual clue, but how to show that things went from good to very good, or very bad to less bad? The new at-a-glance Risk Score answers that.

Note, there is no maximum value for the Risk Score as there is literally no limit to what can go wrong with data collection. Therefore the goal for any auditor is to minimise this number and, if possible, get to 0 i.e. zero risk. Risk Scores are shown for both DATA and PAGE Inspector reports. You can find them within the header area of a report, summarised in project listings, and in the data exports and the API:

audit risk scores

Audit Risk Score for a PAGE Inspector audit


2. Improved Project Summaries

A key update for anyone working with multiple web properties. Separating the PAGE and DATA Inspector projects has allowed us to tailor information when comparing projects side-by-side.

For example, when auditing for compliance, you will typically audit pixels and cookies for different user consent choices – Reject-all, Accept-all and all other selectable options. You can now quickly view a summary of these results together, including the latest Risk Score and the last 5 audits, before deciding if you need to drill down into the details.

Similarly, if you work with multiple GA4 properties or data streams, the DATA Inspector project listing summarises these side by side:

New project listing view

Project listings new look (DATA Inspector).


3. UA Projects Sunset

Please note that legacy DATA Inspector projects for Universal Analytics will be deleted on or around 30-Sep-2024 (not before). As you will know, Google sunset their Universal platform and all Universal data was deleted. It therefore makes sense that we follow suit.

Have a question? Email Brian direct at hello ‘@’


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