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Improved Checks & Compliance Monitoring
Updates February 2024

New audit features launched this month:

  • New audit events – more rigorous checks catch more tracker pixels on pages.
  • New daily scheduler – monitor you site’s compliance and data quality daily.
  • New PII checks – additional checks for suspected personal data.


1. New Audit Events

You may notice a lot more events are now captured when you run a PAGE Inspector audit – this is a deliberate improvement. Now, in addition to pageview events, our crawler also scrolls down each page and clicks on outbound and file download links present – triggering any events associated with these. Checks flag if there is a compliance problem i.e. if cookies are set, or tracking pixels load, that do not match the consent choice.

Why this is important:

We found websites can fail a GDPR compliance audit even when analytics and marketing pixels are disabled i.e. the “Reject All” button clicked by a user within the consent banner. It happens if only pageview tracking has been disabled, with other possible events forgotten. The result is no page URLs collected in tools such as Facebook, Google Analytics, Adobe (a good thing of course), but lots of other tracking events are collected that should not be. Our new feature captures this scenario.


2. New Daily Scheduler

Being able to automate audits has been key part of our feature set since the get go. Our most common feature request was for users wishing to run audits daily. That option is now available to all paid users for both the PAGE and DATA Inspectors – simply select the Scheduler icon.

3. New PII Checks

A simple yet important addition for the DATA Inspector – two new countries have been added to our PII checks and two new terms checked for. Coupled with our new daily scheduler, you can ensure that small problems do not become big issues:

  • Israel
  • New Zealand
  • Medical_Term
  • Advertising_ID

If you are auditing GA4 data, our comprehensive checks for any PII breaches cover 39 countries. Checks include suspected bank information, health, passport, tax IDs, citizen IDs, credit card, social security, license plate information, and more. Read more about the smart technology we use to find suspected personal identifiable information in your GA4 data.


Have a question? Email Brian direct at hello ‘@’

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