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New Audit Actions: Button & Video Clicks
Updates July 2024
Settings to simulate buttons and video clicks

New audit features for the PAGE Inspector launched:

  • Audit Button Clicks & Video Plays – Completing a full visit simulation.
  • Consent Banners via iframes – Audits now support consent banners that load via an iframe.

Audit Button & Video Clicks

The PAGE Inspector has always simulated a visit consisting of page views, page scrolls and navigation/link click throughs. That captures the vast amount of cookies and tracker pixels that load. However, there are cases where clicking a button or playing a video will trigger additional cookies/pixels and this update now captures those.

Why this is important

Nothing is compliant until everything is compliant. Hence this upgrade completes the circle of knowing an audit has captured all visitor actions on your pages.

Button clicks often trigger events on other platforms e.g. e-commerce sites. Ditto for clicks to play embedded videos. For sites with these actions, we have found the numbers of cookies increases ~10%. On the other hand, the number of tracker pixels varies little as these tend to already fire on other parts of the visit simulation – so little impact, though still important to check. 

Add the new audit actions

Once button clicks and video plays are enabled from the project settings, the Page Details report reveals what has been found on these pages:

page details audit


Consent Banners via iframes

Our unique Consent Selector approach has always allowed you to interact with any consent banner – allowing you to select Accept, Reject and any other specific consent category for your audits – even if multiple clicks are required. However, some bespoke consent management platforms (CMP) load a banner via a third-party iframe. As any web development team will tell you, interacting with content loaded via a third party iframe is always a challenge. This update fixes this.

Select your consent choice as normal – even using multiple clicks: 

Have a question? Email Brian direct at hello ‘@’


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